Dragon Ball Kakarot: Goku Embarks on a Fresh Odyssey in February 2024

Dragon Ball Kakarot - Bandai Namco has officially declared the imminent arrival of an avant-garde Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC in 2024.

Bandai Namco has officially declared the imminent arrival of an avant-garde Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC, christened ‘Goku’s Next Journey.’ Enthusiasts can anticipate immersing themselves in this new experience come February 2024.

| Image credit: Bandai Namco

The proclamation surfaced during the Dragon Ball Battle Hour 2024, an event that unfolded over the weekend. Within the competitive showcase, attendees gleaned insights into the prospective release of Goku’s Next Journey, slated for the gaming realm in the approaching February. The announcement, encapsulated in the trailer’s description, resonates with Bandai Namco’s assertion: “A decade-old aspiration has now been fulfilled.”

Goku’s Next Journey, as portrayed in the announcement trailer, tantalizes players with a glimpse into the unfolding narrative. The plotline unfurls with Goku startling his comrades and kinfolk as he discloses his intent to partake in an upcoming martial arts tournament. Intriguingly, a formidable adversary is also slated to participate, piquing Goku’s interest.

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This adversary, seemingly a child but a formidable match for Goku, is identified as Uub. A reincarnation of Kid Buu, a past adversary vanquished a decade before this DLC’s events, Uub emerges as a pivotal character. Goku’s desire to confront him in a new existence underscores the anticipation that Uub is the combatant he has long awaited.

The inclusion of Dragon Ball Kakarot Goku’s Next Journey is a perk for holders of the Season 2 Pass, encompassing the base game and additional expansions such as Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Bardock Alone Against Fate and Dragon Ball Kakarot The 23 World Tournament. However, for those desiring only the latest DLC, standalone acquisition remains a viable option.

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