In a captivating revelation at the Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour event, Bandai Namco Entertainment presented an intriguing trailer for Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, the latest addition to the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi arena fighter series. This visual spectacle delves deep into the profound rivalry between Goku and Vegeta, showcasing their various forms. Additionally, the trailer unveils the initial roster of 24 playable characters featured in the game.
Scheduled for release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam, the game has yet to receive a confirmed launch date. The origins of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi, known as Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! in Japan, trace back to its debut as a 3D fighting action game on the PlayStation 2 in 2005.
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Game Trailer
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The sequel, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, is known as Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Neo in Japan, made its Japanese debut in October 2006 on the PlayStation 2, followed by releases in Europe, North America, and Australia in November 2006. The Wii version reached North America in November 2006, Japan in January 2007, and Europe and Australia in March and April 2007.
Continuing the saga, the third instalment, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, or Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Meteor in Japan hit the Japanese market in October 2007 for the PlayStation 2 and Wii. North America and Europe witnessed its PlayStation 2 release in November 2007, with the Wii version arriving in North America in December 2007 and in Europe and Australasia in February 2008.
The most recent addition to the series, Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team, entered the scene in August 2010 exclusively for the PlayStation Portable, making it the sole handheld release within the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
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